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Roots & Wings Hypnosis :

You YOURSELF can HEAL yourself.

Have you ever wondered how your childhood has shaped who you are today, and maybe even how your Past Lives have affected you physically and mentally today? Do you suffer from illness or injury, including anxiety and depression, and want to release yourself from years and hundreds (or thousands) of dollars in trying to Heal?

The answer is within YOU.

Roots & Wings utilizes deeply guided meditation and client directed hypnosis, intuitive guidance, and movement as appropriate to help release you from trauma and pain, through YOUR OWN MIND. Hypnosis is used to expand your consciousness in this way.

From the strange to the mundane, your subconscious holds the memories of every event that has ever happened to you - in this lifetime, past lives, and on the spirit side. When we are first born we come into this life as perfect beings, but over time we begin to download faulty programming that can cause us to feel less confident, make poor choices, adopt addicting behaviors, and choose relationships or careers that don’t truly bring us happiness.

Using a variety of tools, we can explore and discover the ROOT of your programming and begin to effect change to help you soar again. To find your WINGS, again.

Are You Ready to Learn How to Heal Yourself and expand your Consciousness? Give yourself a few hours, trust the process, and welcome to a Whole New Way of Living and Freedom:

  • Via Zoom in the comfort of your home we can explore your most pressing issues and limitations and work on dissolving your fears and false beliefs that are all faulty programming you’ve been given through out your life. All you need is reliable internet service and headphones.

  • Hypnosis is a natural state of mind we all enter multiple times a day (driving, working out, cooking, watching TV or scrolling social media) and YOU are always in control. Your hypnosis session is like you driving your car, and the hypnotist is your GPS guiding your movements towards success. You always have Free Will - You don’t have to listen to your GPS system, but it will get you towards your goals quicker if you do!

To set up a 20 minute Strategy Session to address your issues and see if Hypnosis is right for you, Please Visit Here.

It is my mission to find the ROOT of your issues, and through the powerful and transformative nature of hypnosis, transmute the energy of your life’s experiences to help find your WINGS so that you may Fly.